
Here will be the spot for brief expressions of
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urban dictionary game

Go to urbandictionary.com and type in your answers to the following questions.
Post the first definition it gives you.
Tag 4 people.

1) Your name- Brenna
One who drinks and dances in cages, HAHAHA!

dude, lets go to the club, therell be lots of brennas


One who looks forward to the future, shy and sensitive, one who has a meaning in life, or does something to make mad others, one who doesn't like to be put under pressure, at times loves to be in the limelight, one who people envy, protective of the ones she cares about.

i like that one better :)

2) Your age-20
Bag of Weed, costs $20.00 dollars and is enough to make 4 fat joints.

3) One of your friends- Chelsea
The most AMAZING people you will ever find are Chelseas.
chicken flavored&lemon scented. DELICIOUSLY good looking, HAHAHA!

girl: Damn, i wish i was a Chelsea.
boy: *looks her up&down* yeah, me too. : 

4) what should you be doing- cycling
Riding a bicycle

5) favorite color- Turquoise
A blend of blue and green, In holistic medicine, the color turquoise purportedly has a calming effect on patients, and is particularly used to treat patients prone to panic attacks or mania. To a lesser degree, mainstream psychiatric hospitals also use turquoise and other light shades of blue and green to calm patients by painting the walls in these colors. Turquoise is perceived by most people as the coldest of all colorscitation needed.

6) Birthplace- Austell
best town in geogia!
small town that is like...totally awesome...
we have a lot of old shops downtown...
we got six flags too!
right outside atlanta...
yeah...thats it...
cept that its fye!

girl-you live in austell?
girl-omg...thats like awesome!
boy-yea.... i know! 

haha really??

7) what month were you born in? - February
February is the best month of the year. Its still nice and cold and snowy, but you know that spring is just around the corner if you're tired of all the bad weather. February is also the most unique month. 28 days long,(unless its every four years on a 'leap' year)
Valentines day is also in February. (the fourteenth)It's a fun holiday named after St. Valentine, and it's for cute happy couples. Many single or unhappy peope celebrate the anti Valentines day, ie. Singles awareness day.

People born in February are without a doubt the Cutest, Smartest, and Funniest set of people. If you are born after the 20th, you are also a PICES. This is the best Zodiac sign.

8) one of your nicknames- Bam
Scottish colloquial. Means Below Average Mentality. hahaha

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