
Here will be the spot for brief expressions of
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a disquiet follows my soul / a silence pierces the dark

Okay, so Chris gave me a challenge to write a poem of my interpretation of "a disquiet follows my soul" and I was apparently in a content state of mind so I ended up giving it a happy ending, lol..so to be true to the phrase, I broke it up into two poems..the first with the darker theme and the second with the happy ending :) enjoy!

a disquiet follows my soul:

weightless footsteps trace an invisible path
a lone tainted figure amongst limbs of wood
winged branches embrace the unsteady

beginnings and endings memorably absent
identical solidarity of creature and creation
indistinguishable surroundings stir peaceful tranquility

presences sensed but never exposed
sway and linger just out of reach
physical contact a thing of the past

a silence pierces the dark:

weights pushed back out of sight but ever-heavy
deeper indentions scar the ground
burdensome but steadfast

fresh spark of flesh sensing familiarity
recall rotted pains unearthed by fresh roots
anchored in place afraid to grow

vines intertwine to crush old weeds
poisons choked to reveal new leaves
each a token of love that we show

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