
Here will be the spot for brief expressions of
any notion I fancy..albeit traditional entries,
poems, pics, videos, etc! I am here for your
entertainment, but if that doesn't happen,
default to facebook. :P


:chain: more random stuff

Hello, my name is: Brenna

But you can call me: any similar pronunciation of Brenna, lol. I'll answer to it :)

Never in my life will I: stop singing

High school: ghetto

When I'm nervous: you will know

The last song I listened to was: Nature Boy from Moulin Rouge Soundtrack

If I were to get married right now my best man/maid would be: Lets focus on dating first, shall we? lol

My hair: is recently doing what I want it to

When I was 5: I was really into GPB TV

Last Christmas: was a relief..no class

This Christmas: will be another relief

I should: reconsider a lot of things

When I look down I see: the history book I should be reading

The happiest recent event is/was: non-existent, but this past weekend with the fam and the dog was nice

If I were a character on 'Friends' I'd be: Rachel is her name I think..Jennifer Aniston's character lol

By this time next year: I pray I'll be in a better spot in life

I have a hard time understanding: what is so difficult about being nice to others?

Take my advice: BE NICE! Always. even if you're down

I want to buy: more books

If you visited the place I was born: I'd tell you to go the other way..hospitals aren't pleasant ;)

I plan to: get outta this slump if it kills me

If you spent the night at my house: you'd have to put up with a 1 year old Jack Russel and would therefore probably leave :P

The world could do without: hurtful actions and words

I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: wtf?

Most recent thing I've bought myself: printer cartridge and paper

Most recent thing someone else bought me: M&Ms and a plant

My middle name is: Amy

In the morning I: woke up and began the worst day ever

The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are: anteaters so they could eat flying ants :)

Last night I: tried to go to sleep in vain, as is the usual lately

If i was an animal i would be: a poisonous fish so I could swim and not be eaten

A better name for me would be: people say I look like a Heather

Tomorrow I am: hoping will be better

Tonight: maybe going to bed at a decent time will pay off this time..unlikely

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