
Here will be the spot for brief expressions of
any notion I fancy..albeit traditional entries,
poems, pics, videos, etc! I am here for your
entertainment, but if that doesn't happen,
default to facebook. :P


dreams to wake

ticking hands and tapping feet
often broken, never beat
dreams delay the spinning world
caricatures stale and old

entranced reflection vivid feels
heart throbs, mind reels
incomprehensible to absorb
as sight falling into a luminescent orb

i see the me that sees what's dear
grasps in vain to bring them near
warp the plot to close the gap
see the bars of this trap snap
rewritten plot through will of mind
though REM keeps true eyes blind

paralysis of daily drone
refusal to become a clone
sever strings of puppeteers
music played to opened ears

lay to rest the new insight
to start the day with mind bright

So this one took a little while to write cuz the creative flow just wasn't happening/kept getting interrupted, so I'll probably revise it a lot at some other time..but it came after I had a dream so vivid that it felt more real than reality, and of course I didn't want to let it go..but when I finally managed to bring myself out of that mystified stupor, the ghosts of that dream began to enhance my dull reality of the next day by bringing me back the appreciation of things just past the visual surface...

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