
Here will be the spot for brief expressions of
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sunken standards

Elevate these sunken standards
Remove the rot of seeping shards
That threaten bruises of infections
Mentalities of shallow factions

Where confidence is bitter lost
Integrity is the inherent cost
Impossible kindness withheld before
Not vainly awaited anymore

His inability to pretend or care
Shall never again find me there
Niceties before never heard or told
Trade silver linings of gray for gold

To hope for change is to abandon
The ignorant influences of prison
Now choose only noble decency
And those endowed with gentility

so the whole gist of this is learning to keep my standards high following past experiences from settling low. and to any male readers of this..please don't assume this is about you, because I guarantee that he won't be reading it anyway..(appropriately)..

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