
Here will be the spot for brief expressions of
any notion I fancy..albeit traditional entries,
poems, pics, videos, etc! I am here for your
entertainment, but if that doesn't happen,
default to facebook. :P


:chain: the people in my life..in a chain letter!

only if you want... Go through your wall posts and list the last 21 people to post on your wall. Do not list any repeats; simply go to the next name in the list. Then answer the 42 questions pertaining to the 21 names. When you're finished, tag all 21 people on the list, so the cycle can continue. If you've been tagged, copy and paste this information into a new note and follow the directions above.

1. Sandra
2. Stuart
3. Keisha
4. Allicia
5. Monica
6. Micaela
7. Christina
8. Beth Lynn
9. Andrea
10. Hannah
11. Sammantha
12. Porsha
13. Raha
14. Amanda
15. Alex
16. Brianah
17. Joelle
18. Andrew
19. Chris
20. Kara
21. Blane

1. How did you meet 1?
we went to Garrett middle school together back in the day..ah I miss it actually

2. What would you do if you never met 14?
I would have no way of actually obtaining an English Bulldog puppy :)

3. Would you date 20?
haha, no but I still love her! :P

4. Have you ever seen 8 cry?

5. Would 3 and 13 make a good couple?
nope, this is a silly question

6. Describe 9
she is one of those people who you can talk to for HOURS!! our convos in spanish were unending

7. Do you like 16?
of course, she's one of the most genuinely sweet people I have ever met (grammar there?)

8. Do you think 6 is attractive?
indeed, and I'm so jealous of her hair!! :)

9. When was the last time you talked to 19?
like a day ago through fb

10. Would you ever date 10?
haha, nope

11. Where does 15 live?
somewhere in Athens I think..

12. What is the best thing about 21?
His photography skills! great at catching you at the perfect moment!

13. What would you like to tell 18 right now?
hm..good luck with your reaction paper, lol

14. What is the best thing about 7?
she's the funnest person to talk to! I remember our convos being quite lively :)

15. Have you ever kissed 11?
no, and these romance questions are getting more and more retarded

16. What's the best memory you have of 3?
ah, the entire magnet experience..getting through those classes with those teachers lol

17. When's the next time you're going to see 12?
hopefully soon for lunch to catch up before I transfer :)

18. Is 15 pretty?
Pretty?? lol, handsome yes..but I think it would be insulting to call him pretty

19. What was your first impression of 4?
that I knew her from somewhere but couldn't place it..but I figured it out through context..high school!

20. Is 13 your best friend?
nah, but i have a feeling she would be a darn good one :)

21. Have you seen 16 in the last month?
unfortunately, no..but we were discussing poetry on fb recently

22. When was the last time you saw 14?
last semester I think

23. Have you been to 21's house?

24. When is the next time you'll see 10?
dunno, maybe at another party..

25.Are you really close to 1?
I'd say so, yes..we hung out all the time and talked about lots of stuff in middle school

26. Would you give 20 a hug?
yes, a big one! :P

27. Have you ever been to 17's house?
nah, but we worked some long hours at hobby lobby together..

28. Do you know a secret about 5?
haha, she'd get it out of me if I did, but no.

29. Describe the relationship between 14 and 19?
nonexistent..this doesn't make sense

30. What's your friendship like with 5?
ah...good one..she's my second mother, and I love her dearly

31.Have you ever danced with 18?
nah, but that would probably be fun :P

32. How do you know 21?
through Sigma Alpha

33. Does 2 have a bf?
I hope not..lol, he has a girlfriend

34. Have you ever wanted to punch 4 in the face?
heck no, why would I want to do that!?

35. Has 11 met your mother?

36. Have you traveled anywhere with 12?
i don't think so..maybe a magnet trip at some point..but I can't remember

37. If you gave 7 $100, what would they spend it on/
I really don't know..

38. What's your best memory of 2?
haha, any of the shenanigans at the vet..and there were plenty

39.What is the one thing you most want 8 to know?
that I will miss her being away from Sigma Alpha and UGA, but it's all good

40. What was the last thing you did with 15?
talked religion, which is always really cool

41. When did you meet 20?
Garrett middle school again..fun times

42. What do you wish for 4?
for anything she wants to come true!!

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