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intimacy or independence?

My Social Theory teacher had us read this article about the prevalence of hooking up and it says how many more young people are 'hooking up' (whatever you define that to be) now that marriage ages are higher than they used to be.  Its kinda funny, that the more focused on ourselves and our goals/aspirations we become, the less intimacy we want from other people..but are those goals really for our own satisfaction or for others'? I like to think that I am focused on my school and career so that later in life (with or without a significant other) I am happy with my living situations.  In a way, I like seeing that people are starting to treat romantic relations as icing on the cake, but that time of unrest and detachment is kind of a bittersweet form of independence.  Is the temporary emotional attachment worth it in the long run? ..what do you think??


  1. I agree. Why should my desire to follow my own goals be viewed as a shame? Or my inability to form lasting relationships with others.I mean want to find someone some day but I'm 21 for crying out loud. Surely there are other things I could be doing with my time? Not to mention the fact that just because I am not in a committed relationship NOW, it doesn't mean I am hooking up with half the school. That's just dumb. A lack of commitment does not insinuate a lack of respect for what a relationship entails.

  2. exactly! since our lives are going to change so much in the near future, nothing we try to make permanent will stay that way..so really it would be a waste of precious time to do so..but that precious time should be spent wisely, def not hooking up with everyone we come across
