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small talk has perks!

Talk about fate! Or coincidence you prefer. I got to class early like always, to find the door locked and sat outside in with that awkward, heavy air when the person next to you may or may not be waiting for the same door to open to the same class.  So I break the silence and say to the girl next to me, "human services" as if other human services classes aren't offered in the same building (note to self: be more specific when verifying important details).  

But luckily we WERE in the same class, a class with about 10 girls and 2 boys..one of which entered the room singing "i'm your biggest fan I'll follow you..." haha creepy? maybe. hopefully just fun-lovin. 

So then I notice the girl has the economics books I had last semester, more importantly the books that are KSU specific and therefore not 're-sellable'..so before I can even mention this, she begins telling me her dilemma of just coming from the bookstore and being quite put-out with the prices.  

EUREKA! So we made a deal for her to buy my books and she immediately went to return hers! Man, am I thankful for small-talk at that moment! :) Funny how things work out!

1 comment:

  1. The I'm your biggest fan thing is HILARIOUS. Glad you've worked out some book deals. Sorry we couldn't hang today and I hope you feel better.
