
Here will be the spot for brief expressions of
any notion I fancy..albeit traditional entries,
poems, pics, videos, etc! I am here for your
entertainment, but if that doesn't happen,
default to facebook. :P


to party or not to party? that is the question.

Wow what a roller coaster.  To start with, a very sleepless week and then exhaustion from pushing myself to get everything done.  The party didn't happen, MUCH to my disappointment.  I even got up early to bake cookies and brownies and set up party platters and clean the house up.  Its too bad it didn't live up to the standard of the pool party I had in high school  :/ But at least I will look back fondly on that :) 

Unfortunately, now my 21st will no longer be about getting everyone together, but rather about getting ME together.  I plan on doing something that will enhance my life, without the possibility seeing so vividly how little it matters.  That 'something' will be addressed publicly at a later time.  It may or may not involve ink. ;P

And then there was the 'up'! Went to a birthday celebration at tech with manda and the guys.  They are so much fun!  Got to maintain some newly-forming friendships.  Also got to feel of some bit of use by bringing all the baked goods, waste not want not! Appreciation definitely helped :) 

Now I need to get some zzzzs cuz I am about to drop like a fly! Peace.  and I mean PEACE...like do unto your neighbor as you would like them to do unto you! Because you never know how much your actions may mean to someone at the time.  :/


  1. OH I see how it is. Manda and the guys are good enough to cheer you up but Kara and I aren't. Not cool. Not cool. lol but in all fairness, I'm glad you're feeling better! Get plenty of rest this weekend.

  2. Aw its not like that, I had to de-puff my eyes and pull myself back together so I'm sure you guys really didn't want to be around that. And I confirmed going already, so I wasn't going to be a hypocrite and do the very thing that upset me in the first place. :/ But I love you gals for simply wanting to! Your concern was enough to cheer me up!
