
Here will be the spot for brief expressions of
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no hands to unwind / digital beacons

I wake up to glowing numbers, then wake to them again
Solely horizontal and vertical lines, digital numbers of zen
Colon marks the center, circles continuous yet maddeningly resolute
What is to come the next time I stir and why is it all moot

I shouldn't look but can't resist, green lights in pitch black dark
Hold on to them like old night-lights, their luminescence so stark
Familiarity of childhood when the light touches the room
So subtle yet so profound I forget all pending doom

Electrical beacons of hope when minds are not quite right
Addictions in a way but burning desire to stay bright
Anticipate the next numbers, keep from missing them pass by
Wait for the chronological change, cling to order I do try

Now blinking 3 with little time to go, what's next I still must know
I hold my gaze to following days, watch the numbers grow
To revert back to where they were 24 hours ago
Evidence of past and what's been done, lived life of which to show

:P so for some reason I find this one kinda humorous, but maybe I'm just delirious..went to bed at 2 and didn't get virtually any sleep and just kept looking at the digital clock I should have covered, but too tired to get up and cover it, so I just let it keep me tired by glancing at it all night..silly me ;D enjoy my stupid poem about a clock, haha

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