
Here will be the spot for brief expressions of
any notion I fancy..albeit traditional entries,
poems, pics, videos, etc! I am here for your
entertainment, but if that doesn't happen,
default to facebook. :P


future forms / ribbons

Clear black ink on ivory tree
Hoping you can soon see
Silently waiting for the light
When that little light bulb finally becomes bright

Murky thought in grey matter
Caught up in notions of the latter
Swimming between solid barriers
Unable to make it to their carriers

Luminous voice with precise words
With carefully chosen edges and curves
Voiced when necessity makes a debut
In hopes that it will finally get through

To the harshness that stubbornly shells your good
However infrequently be your mood
Though you may not want or care to know
These thoughts to you I wish to show

These contradictions that splinter seams
And stir up thoughts restricted to dreams
Hates and loves meant to stay within
And hopes that reality will bring good to win

But these jagged colors will stay concealed
Left to future keys to be revealed
Red ribbons to be sliced with blades
And to the just all debts be repaid

I think this one is pretty similar to the other one, but maybe this one can someday be a song ?? :)

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