
Here will be the spot for brief expressions of
any notion I fancy..albeit traditional entries,
poems, pics, videos, etc! I am here for your
entertainment, but if that doesn't happen,
default to facebook. :P


hello new year..the game plan

Hey everyone! I went ahead and posted all my old poems and those fun get-to-know-you-better-but-pain-in-the-butt-to-do chain letters from FB onto here.  I will probably start using this more as a close to daily journal along with another outlet for my poetry.  

So I'm starting off the new year with some creativity! Lets bring in some colors, put together some eloquent phrases, and act like the confident intelligent person that I was BEFORE melting away with that bag of Christmas chocolates.

Unfortunately, now that I'm pretty fried from setting this bugger up, I won't be able to construct an entire poem, but I can talk a bit about the year so far. 

Okay, not gonna lie, last year was pretty bad.  I transferred up to KSU from UGA to get out of those horrible science classes and save money and did just that...along with switching to be a sociology major! Excitement!!! I am so much happier now with these classes! I am realizing that all throughout my life (so far) I have thought in such a way as to analyze people and how they behave.  My classes do just that, and help me understand exactly why! Its so exciting to be in courses that I can apply to daily life and which I can use to better myself in the social arena.  Because that's definitely where it counts career-wise!

So the plan is to get HOPE back, get involved outside the classroom again (back at the vet, or out with a small job or internship) and to get that GPA back to where it belongs.  Then to start looking at possibilities to jump into a good career or to stay with school for some sort of masters.  Hoping all goes well and enjoying the classes and friends in the meantime!

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