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"I love weddings! Drinks all around!" - the great philosopher Cap'n Jack

It was kinda sad but in my Human Services class today we were talking to our teacher about her marriage that is soon to take place in about a year or so.  She said she found it funny how her husband is the one who wants the whole to-do with the wedding and all and how she just wants to be married with him and maybe a few family members.

Then a good few of the girls in the rest of the class (all girls except 3 guys) stated that they want the same..to rather elope somewhere with just the guy and to keep family out of it.  I silently was screaming in my head "yes yes yes!!! I don't want a wedding because its just all expensive show for the families, when really they should have no say in your marriage at all" (only the shorter version of that, haha).

I wonder if that has anything to do with female independence or with trying not to get our hopes up for something that has been portrayed as so unattainable, since we are taught that if it isn't perfect, then it isn't worth it.  Just some thoughts..

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