
Here will be the spot for brief expressions of
any notion I fancy..albeit traditional entries,
poems, pics, videos, etc! I am here for your
entertainment, but if that doesn't happen,
default to facebook. :P


Alright, I've been neglectful again so I will at least update from my ipod today lol. So things have been going really well lately! I have found that people are capable of so many different emotions and outlooks simultaneously. It goes back to that whole awareness of contradictions for me.. I'm always torn completely between two different outlooks.. Like I want a good paying job but I don't want to be dependent upon money and materialistic items, or I want to be far away from certain aggravating situations but realize that they are completely neccsesary to be able to learn, or how I have absolutely no patience for some things but am told I have the "patience of a saint" for others. The most potent example lately is in the romance field (approriately enough for the holiday coming up!). I found my independence and with that came the resistance to any type of help or care from another. I told myself that I would, in the words of lady gaga "never love again" and that I would not allow myself to be caught off guard again. I became a hater of all things romantic and cheesy, and still am with certain things. But I can't help but hope for something betteras life has thrown me a wonderful curveball in my little world of love-hatred :P I have been given that hope back of which I was slowly but surely losing grip. There are gifts that everyone gives, whether that be monetary or simply by gracing you with their presence. The latter seems so much less significant, but at certain times (times that should really be all the time) the simple positive presence or support (translation: the God-forbidden l-word..love!)from someone can mean all the world. So happy early Valentine's day from one love-hater-turned-lover to perhaps another :)

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